J.Rex Fuqua Professor of International Management
Academic Area:
Management and Organizations
Teaching / Research Interests
Mailing Information
Duke University: The Fuqua School of Business
100 Fuqua Drive
Durham, NC 27708
Aaron C. Kay (PhD 2005, Stanford University) is the J Rex Fuqua Professor of Management and Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience at Duke University. His research focuses on the relation between motivation, implicit social cognition, and social issues. He has a particular interest in how basic motivations and needs manifest as specific social and societal beliefs. These include (but are not limited to) the causes and consequences of stereotyping and system justification, religious belief, political ideology, and the attitudes people hold towards their organizations and institutions.
For this research, Aaron Kay has been awarded the Society for Experimental Social Psychology Career Trajectory Award, the Janet T. Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions from the American Psychological Society, the SAGE Young Scholar Award from the Foundation of Personality and Social Psychology, the Early Career Contribution Award from the International Society of Justice Researchers, the Early Researchers Award from the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, and Dissertation Awards from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues and the Society of Experimental Social Psychology (runner-up. He has been named a Fellow of the American Psychological Society as well as the Society of Experimental Social Psychology and the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, and Dr. Kay's research is widely covered in national and international news and media outlets. Dr. Kay is a past President of the International Society of Justice Research.